Dr Richard Schilling along with his wife Marlene have been residents of the Loveland area well over 50 years. Dick has travelled the world providing dental care in developing countries. See his full bio at http://www.worldwidewatercolorist.com/bio.asp
Dick is also an accomplished watercolorist and author. His latest book, “Portraits of the Prairie” can be viewed at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B004VRXXTI/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_pop_1?ie=UTF8&field-author=Richard+Schilling&searchalias=books&text=Richard+Schilling&sort=relevancerank
Dick has been a member of our Wednesday morning “Moot House” group for almost 20 years. He just celebrated his 80th birthday. In this session Dick shares with our group his reflections cleverly entitled, “Everything I have learned in life I learned on a trout stream”
Listen in to Dick’s insightful comments as he reflects on lessons learned. You will not be disappointed!
Download Dr. Shillings testimony – Right click on this link and choose “Save link as…”.